Sunday, August 15, 2010

Outstanding Leader Award

This weekend our Girl Scout Neighborhood had an adult recognitions celebration at a local Mexican Restaurant.  We gave out two awards to outstanding leader and two to outstanding volunteers.  I was awarded one of the outstanding leader awards.  I knew I was getting it because I am on the service team, but I am still honored that all the other leader in our area thought I was an outstanding leader.

I have been a leader since my youngest daughter was in the 5th grade and now she is in the 10th grade.  I started out as a co leader of a Junior troop.  The 2nd year the leader wanted to step back into the co leader position, so I stepped up.  Also that year the person who was the service until finance manager stepped down.  Because I had been the treasurer of a small church & my son's gymnastics team, I volunteered.  The third year I was a leader, I became archery certified and was willing to go to almost any encampment that they needed an archery teacher.  I also became a leader of a Brownie troop because the woman who was suppose to become the leader never showed up. 

Last year, I helped put on two encampments and an archery day.  I also had 3 troops I was involved in; a Brownie troop, a Junior troop (I was the support person and co leader), and a Cadette/Senior troop.

For the 2010/2011 Girl Scout year, I will have girls from the 2nd grade through the 10th grade and can't wait to see what this year brings.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how we fall into things that turn out to be so great.
